Year: 2018 | Month: June | Volume 4 | Issue 1

Development of Socio-economic Status Scale for Women Self-Help Group Members

DOI:Coming soon...


Over the past two decades, considerable efforts have been made to increase the quantum of institutional credit for rural development in order to reduce the extent of dependence of rural households on exploitative and non-institutional sources. There is, however a general feeling that the increased flow of institutional credit has not yielded the expected results. The vast majority of rural people were not involved in the development activities because they lacked the economic based frame to intervene in the local development process. In this scenario, the challenge was to develop a village centred development strategy for the marginalised rural poor who always experienced the shortage of liquidity to respond to new investment opportunities, especially in agriculture. The strategy was to develop in such a way that people can ‘plan’ for their means and have the ‘power’ to implement their programmes. Analysing this possibility, the non-governmental organisations decided that the strategy can be made possible by putting together small groups of poor people with similar interests and other homogenous factors. The present study was undertaken with the objective to study the development of socio-economic status scale for women self help group members.

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