International Journal of Inclusive Development is a quarterly publication. At the same time, it appears in electronic format in website: ( giving free access to the full text, for a greater international visibility of the authors and the journal. The manuscripts must be written in English. The Editorial Committee and referees are all outstanding national and foreign researchers. The Editorial Board decides on the acceptance or rejection of a paper, and appeals are not accepted.
International Journal of Inclusive Development Publishers
• Research Articles
• Review Articles
• Original Research
• Short Communication
Original articles should represent a valid contribution to scientific knowledge and should not be submitted simultaneously to other journals. Writing style should be clear, concise, and precise. The length must not exceed 18 pages for the RESEARCH ARTICLES and REVIEWS sections and 10 pages for SHORT COMMUNICATION.
A Manuscript submitted to International Journal of Inclusive Development will be gone through review procedure for possible publication considering that it is submitted to one journal at a time and have submitted to other journal simultaneously, have not been published or accepted for publication in other journals either in part or full.
• Editorial (Only invited or Board Members)
• Original Research (Not more than 3000-5000 words excluding abstract & References)
• Review Articles (Not more than 3000-5000 words excluding abstract & References)
• Short Discussion (Not more than 1500-2000 words excluding abstract & References)
We have been screening manuscripts for plagiarism with authenticated software for the same. Stern action would be taken against handful of authors found involved in ethical misconduct. The screening and decision on articles cost huge time and resources of the Journal.
Conflict Of Interest
Prior to submission of manuscript all the authors involving in manuscript must have to disclose any and all conflict of interest they may have with the submitting manuscript in EA with publication of the manuscript or an institution or product that is mentioned in the manuscript and/or is important to the outcome of the study presented.
It is mandatory for the authors to provide their ORCID ID which is a unique identification number for the Authors and help them to get connected to their contributions across disciplines, borders, and time.
Research papers should present unpublished new research or scientific findings of significance in the broad areas. The papers should present the results of in-depth research conducted and should address a clearly stated objectives or specific hypothesis or question. They should provide novel approaches and new insights into the problem addressed. The Objectives of the study should clearly be stated. A brief review of the research conducted should be a part of introduction. The citation of appropriate literature supporting or contradicting the results should be made as apart of Discussion .Reasons for the confirmation or denial should be given. Further, it should be made to develop the discussion instead of citing the reference only. In brief, all the papers should have the scientific contents relevant to the food industry, research, academics and to the students of these fields. Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English. References in the text should be cited by names. In case of two authors, in text: Sharma and Chopra (2000), if in brackets: (Joshi and Joshi, 2000). In case of more than two authors ,in text: Smith et al., (2004); if in brackets: (Smith et al., 2004).
Research articles should have :
• Main Title
• Authors Name and Affiliation
• Corresponding author email (as per proper format) and Phone number
• Running short title (<100 characters including space)
• Abstract (150-200 Words)
• Keywords (4-5)
• Highlights
• Introduction
• Materials and Methods
• Results and Discussion
• Results and Discussion
• References
• Tables
• Figures (if any)
• Plates
Review should be a critically analyzed article with present status of literatures in terms of contents of a topic of direct relevance. A Good Review article is that which focuses on the main research contributions in the field: recent major advances and discoveries made; significant gaps in the research; current debates and views and the future strategies or directions. It should present the topic as various heads and sub-heads. Ideally, the author collects the information relevant to the topic, and then, sorts it out into a coherent view of the “state of the art” as it now stands. The author(s) is expected to bring out the missing gaps in our knowledge in the matter. It should have a proper conclusion in a few words and future strategies. The article is expected to be supported by appropriate data in the form of tables, figures or such illustration preferably made by the author after consulting the literature. It should have considerable portion with interpretation of the results of investigations ,and should be well connected. Needless to say the proper acknowledge/citations of each and every findings have to made and if any, table/figure is directly copied permission of the concerned authors should be obtained to avoid any copyright problem. It should be an honest attempt by one or more authors to sum up the current state of the research on a particular topic The Journal would prefer articles where the author has himself/herself contributed to the matter and is reflected in the references cited in the list.
Such an article should have:
• Main Title
• Authors name and Affiliation
• Corresponding author email
• Running short title (<100 characters including space)
• Abstract (150-250 Words)
• Keywords (4-5)
• Highlight (max 25 words, should contain author's main findings/innovation)
• Introduction
• Headings and Sub-Headings of the Matter.
• Missing Gaps
• Conclusion(s)
• Acknowledgements (if any)
• References
• Tables
• Figures (if any)
The editor would also welcome mini reviews on topics of current significance. These have to be on the pattern of main review but could be half of the size in terms of total page length.
These are for a concise, but independent report representing a significant contribution to the field. Short reports of new results of special interest or article having new future dimension are also welcome. Generally, such articles could have 4-5 Printed pages with 2-3 figures and/or tables. Short communications shall also be peer reviewed and would have all the elements or parts as that of a research paper as given earlier would have sub-titles viz., Material and Methods, Results and Discussion but no introduction. Conclusions just like a research paper but without title.
NOTE: Manuscript without proper formatting according to International Journal of Inclusive Development style will not be processed for publication except in special circumstances where the paper is reporting the results of very high significance.
Author should consult the CHECK LIST for authors (given separately) before submission of article.
1. Title: The title should be brief, concise, and call attention to the main point of the article. With a few exceptions, abbreviations and acronyms must be written out in full in titles.(Font: Times New roman, Size: 14, Bold).
Use the following format: Economics of Potato Production in Northern Hills of Chhattisgarh
2. Authors: Authors are urged to include their full names, at minimum, first and last names of each author.
Use the following format: Debashish Sarkar, Ram Singh and Bitan Mondal
If two or more authors contributed equally to an article, this contribution may be acknowledged with a footnote with # sign that states “These authors contributed equally to this study.” However, a biographical sketch will be printed for only the first author (unless the article has only 2 authors). Mark the corresponding author with * as superscript and write details as:
3. Affiliation and corresponding author: The full name of institutions and subsidiary departments should be given. The address of the institution should include the name of the institution, city, country (in capital, e.g. INDIA). When a paper has several authors from different institutions, key the author to the address with superscript Arabic numerals (for detail: please refer current issue papers). Affiliating address should be in italic and centralized. For two different addresses of one author, use different consecutive numbers
4. Abstract: An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly. Abstract should be concise less than 250 words and describe, in a paragraph, concisely purpose, methods, important results and describe conclusion of the study, but not repeat information already presented in the title. Short communication or clinical case reports must also be submitted with an abstract.
5. Key words: This is a list important terms relevant to the content of paper and should be different from title. Up to 4-5 key words should be listed at the bottom of abstract to be used as index terms.
6. Highlights: Please Include a Highlight in brief (Max 25 Words) as a Separate Heading after Abstract in Bullet Form about the Manuscript.
7. Introduction. Emphasizes the importance of the research, places it in a context, presents related literature, and gives enough information to understand the authors’ goals. It ends with a paragraph stating the objectives of the study.
8. Materials and Methods. There should be sufficient information to allow other researchers to repeat the experiment by clearly defining the experimental design. A precise description or an explicit reference to all biological, analytical, and statistical procedures is required. All procedure modifications must be explained.
9. Results and Discussion: Results and analyses should be clear and concise, supported by tables and figures, statistical analyses, and reports from other researchers. Results should be analyzed in the text without repeating table or figure values. Do not indicate more than two decimal places. The Discussion should clearly and precisely interpret results supported by statistical analyses.
10. Conclusions: In accordance with research objectives, the conclusions should clearly state the main experimental results without using abbreviations, acronyms, or references.
11. Acknowledgements: This section appears before Literature Cited and allows thanking institutions, organizations, laboratories, and persons that have contributed to all or part of the research.
12. References: One indicator of research quality is cited literature and current references must not exceed 10 years from publication. Authors must correctly note full references verifying that all text references are included in Literature Cited and vice versa.
Important note: If article has a DOI number, then it must be written after cite, after dots. ITS NECESSARY!!!!
Note: DOI number must be written in format:
DOI number you can find on
Example of References
Journal papers Ravi, S.C.*, K.B. Umesh and P.S. Srikantha Murthy. 2019. Transaction Cost in Irrigation Tank Management: An Institutional Economic Analysis. Eco Affairs 63(4):785-790.
Roy, S.M., G. De, M. Mora, P. Peirano, and H. Zunino. 2002. Balance and distribution of sulphur in volcanic ash-derived soils in India. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34:1355-1362.
Bulletins, Special publications Soil Survey Staff. 1994. Keys to soil taxonomy. Agric. Hand. 436. 306 p. 6th ed. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C., USA.
Books SAS Institute. 1992. STAT Guide for personal computers. 704 p. 8th ed. SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA.
Chapter in a book Singh, D., and D.Banerjee. 1998. Effects of harvesting intensity on forest productivity and soil carbon storage. p. 351-363. In R. Lal et al. (eds.) Management of carbon sequestration in soils.Advances in Soil Science. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
Chapter in a Proceedings Volume Ray, G., C. Srivastava. 2005. SRI cultivation in IGP Plains of UP, India. In Proceedings of 56th Science Congress 11-14th October 2005.Indian Society of Agronomy, Kolkata, India.
Thesis Sen, H. 2003. Effect of Organic matter on soil properties. Thesis M Sc (Ag). Banaras Hindu University, Faculty of Agriculture, Varanasi, UP, India.
Electronic references ODEPA. 1999. Estadísticas agropecuarias. Disponible en .
Measurement units. Results should express in International System of Units (SI); if other units used, they should be in parentheses after the SI unit. It is suggested to use an exponential form instead of a slash, e.g., kg ha-1.
Note: Proof-correction should be in red ink; in the margins. All queries marked in the article should be answered. Proofs are supplied for a check-up of the correctness of type-setting and facts. Excessive alteration may be charged to the authors. The proofs should be returned within 7 Working days.
Citing references in the text. When a reference has one or two authors, cite the last name(s) and the year. When the same author(s) has two references in different years; write them in chronological order (e.g., De et al., 1988; 1990). When the reference has three or more authors, use the Latin expression “et al.” and include the year. For two or more articles using the same within-text citation, add a distinguishing letter (a, b, c, etc.) to the year in both text and Literature Cited.
After completion of editorial and peer review process if the manuscript is accepted for publication it is sent to technical person for final publication. Prior to publication a galley proof will be sent to author for final approval before making the manuscript online.
After final approval of authors, the manuscript is sent for final publication and make is online visible for our readers, students and researchers.
Tables, Figures: Please submit all images of manuscript in minimum 600 dpi original resolution.
Abbreviations, Symbols and Nomenclature: Use only standard abbreviations; use of nonstandard abbreviations can be confusing to readers. Avoid abbreviations in the title of the manuscript. The spelled- out abbreviation followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis should be used on first mention unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measurement.
Covering letter
• Signed by all contributors
• Source of funding mentioned
• Conflicts of interest disclosed
Author Details
• Middle name initials provided
• Author for correspondence, with e-mail address provided
• Number of contributors restricted as per the instructions
Presentation and format
• Double spacing
• Margins 2.5 cm from all four sides
• Title page contains all the desired information
• Running title provided (not more than 50 characters)
• Abstract page contains the full title of the manuscript
• Abstract provided (about 150 words for case reports and 250 words for original articles)
• Structured abstract provided for an original article
• Key words provided (three or more)
• Highlights Mentioned
• ORCID ID should be mentioned there